Saturday, March 5, 2011

Thomas was the right man!!!

(An interactive session)
Media: Mr. Prime Minister, why did you appoint P J Thomas, a man with tainted antecedent as CVC?
Manmohan: You see I am a true Gandhian. I see no evil in anyone. As I see god in everyone. And Thomas was no exception.
Chidambaram: His selection was on merit basis. He was falsely implicated by vested interests. Judgment is yet to come in palm oil case.
Sushma: (Shouting vociferously) I object. He is an accused. He is a criminal. He cannot hold a high office like CVC.
Manmohan: Madam Sush, please calm down. I cannot even listen to evil. It hurts me. I repeat, I am a true Gandhian.

(After Supreme Court verdict against P J Thomas)

Media: So sir, your decision to appoint Thomas as CVC was totally wrong. Now you are under barrage of fire from judiciary, opposition, media and a large section of public. What is your reaction?
Manmohan: I firmly stand by my decision. You need a deep foresight to understand this. This is an eye-opener for wrong-doers. Lord Jesus suffered crucifixion. His suffering was for the welfare of the people. I did it in the same line, though my suffering is far less as compared to the Lord. Thank you.

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