Saturday, May 16, 2009

Tips for the new prime minister of India to solve Kashmir tangle

Mr new prime minister, here is a very useful and sure shot solution to Kashmir problem. You need not shed a single drop of blood of your countrymen nor of your enemies. You only require guts, iron will and steel nerve.

First step: Be bold and hold your breath: Get ready to dedicate your country to Pakistan in exchange for democracy. Say, "come on brother, take over us, we are yours. But come to power through democratic process if you really love democracy".
Results may be invisible now, but distinctly imaginable.

Next step: Apply the same procedure to Nepal and Bangladesh.
Results: Instantly the country will be bigger and stronger.
But what will be the name of the country?
Nepal? Pakistan? Bangladesh? or India?

Let the people decide. After all our government will be for the people, by the people and of the people.

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