Monday, April 13, 2009

Make training compulsory for our lawmakers

Elections are tough task for the voters. Bollywood star Aamir Khan asks the public (through TV) to go for voting without fear and choose the right candidate. It’s an enigma to choose the right one. Isn’t it? The moot question is “Who is the right candidate?”The undercurrent of money flow is inevitable. Muscle power will intimidate the gullibles. Even if the Election Commission is unbiased, its power is limited to conduct a fully free and fair election. Its sight cannot reach every nook and corner of the sensitive and volatile constituencies.Many of our present day politicians are the owner of hundreds and thousands of crores, no less than feudal lords. They beat their own drums to announce that they are the real servants of India, the patriots and only they can give a perfect welfare state. Based on the past experience, it is really hard to believe.So, I have had an idea to purge our politicians (barring few) and to bring their conscience to the fore, to remind them what is real patriotism.We have army. Before they are entrusted with the job they get strenuous training to protect the nation from external aggression. They do it perfectly and honestly according to their might. They feel proud when they make sacrifice for the motherland.We have politicians-cum- rulers. They are entrusted with the job of keeping the country in order, economic development, to save the natural resources, to wipe out illiteracy, poverty, crime etc.etc.Now the question is “Do they get proper training to do all those jobs? If not, would it be justifiable to have a training course for the lawmakers and executives? Certainly, their job is no less important than armymen. Our future depends on their action.So let us make it a constitutional compulsion for the lawmakers and the rulers to go through such training. Let’s design a course for them for the good and honest governance.Of course, present day politicians will not agree to this suggestion. They will do it only after it is made a law. It needs strong will power and courage on the part of the government.Let us make it compulsory for them to visit the Cellular Jail in Port Blair (Andamans) which was set up by the British in 1960 to dump the freedom fighters there. It was a 7-row construction. Four were destroyed by the Japanese bombardment. Three still stand as the mute spectators of British terror.Send them for a visit to the Cellular Jail at least for a week so that they can get a feel of the patriotism. Take it as a fundamental psychological training to be eligible to become a lawmaker.Let them hear the silent cry of the earth there. Let them stick their ears to the ground, the walls and railings at the Cellular Jail. They must hear the sacred souls sobbing, sounds of barbaric persecution, umpteen boots kicking back and bellies, hands and legs of those fighting for the country’s freedom. This jail is a temple where every particle of its dust is sacred, where the fictitious gods are replaced by the martyrs and where the thousands of visitors from mainland bow their heads in true reverence. It stands as an epitome of selflessness and patriotism. It gives a lesson of highest order on ‘how to love motherland’.If anybody has any better idea please speakout. After all, it is in the interest of our country.

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